Transcendental meditation is like having a cell phone and someone giving you the charger. You say, "Ohh now I can keep using this thing and it will work all the time"
Another way to describe Transcendental Meditation is that there are maybe three days a year when you sleep well at night. You wake up feeling like you should have felt that way all the time but you can't get more than three days a year of good sleep because of the circumstances of your life. With Transcendental Meditation you can sleep well every day so that the battery marker on your mobile phone will always be in full charge mode.
You know this tremendous feeling of power when your phone is fully charged and somebody calls and you say to him, "I want to hear every detail of this story. I'm fully charged" that's what Transcendental Meditation is.
I only sleep five hours a night – do you think I will get up earlier to practice Transcendental Meditation? But it works! You will feel better if you sleep four and a half hours and practice twenty minutes of meditation because it is deeper than anything else.
Look at what your bed looks like when you wake up. There seemed to be a war there and that's not restful. All you have done is take the fight from day into the bed. But you're fighting all day, you are fighting all night. You need a break folks! You need a break! That's what TM is